Rustic Backyard Wedding

  1. Brooke says:

    Oh man I love the colors, absolutely beautiful, they look so happy!

  2. Shebli says:

    Such a beautiful and fun wedding!

  3. Elise says:

    Agreed, best custom hanger ever!

  4. corey says:

    I love the bright pops of color in the accessories and in the flowers! This looks like it was an amazing wedding full of all the love and emotion that there should be. I love that it is unique and full of family and friends! The giant group shot is so fantastic!

  5. Gretchen O'Brien says:

    Thank you so much Erica, reading this and seeng the pictures again brings tears to my eyes…you captured the true essence of Rachel and Kalebs love!

  6. Beautiful photographs! I’ve never heard of anyone getting married on April Fools. That is so much fun!

  7. Katie Bicket Green says:

    Omg these are beautiful but man I LOVE the humor in the wedding day…. the hanger, the cake topper and the garter joke! Hilarious!

  8. Jenae says:

    omg what FUN people!! I love all the little touches to this wedding– and the colors are just so amazing! She is too adorable– and you did a wonderful job capturing their sentimental moments!

  9. Sue Takemoto says:

    Wow .. Just awesome!!!

    • says:

      Thank you, Sue! I agree. Such an awesome couple and a great wedding!

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